Friday, December 11, 2009


Merry Christmas!
The Annual Ranch hand Breakfast
St. Nick's Day
We are not going to be able to handle the north!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Getting ready for our trip in December She loves her Graham Crackers
Pantry raider
Our blind princess
Elle trying to make Finley look at the camera for a picture in her new chair
The recipe said they had to stir it as it simmered
Mud, leaves, grass, flowers, and water soup
Playing princess with Daddy

Finley's Birthday

Finley and Pierce...past their bedtime Chocolate!
They were supposed to look like dogs...I don't think so.
Her big girl chair from Auntie Regan

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Cheer Bear and Grumpy Bear
She doesn't look grumpy to me


Elle really wanted to go back on the playground
"I want that one and that one and that one."
Finley is a walking machine. It is now her preferred mode of transportation.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dancing to the music before the dolphin show at the Texas State Aquarium
Tea Party
Juice break
It was a blustery day outside.

Doctor Elle

Doctor Elle
Daddy did it